Checklist for resolving video conferencing issues

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Stationary use of desktop PC / laptop

  • We recommend Google Chrome as the browser of choice, alternatively Firefox is also possible, these provide the best quality and stability.
  • Check access rights / settings:
  • Browser settings if access rights were denied when entering the conference for the first time. Chrome , Mozilla Firefox
  • Check the camera & microphone button in the conference interface.
  • We have written a detailed article to check network and port sharing: Network and port sharing for video conferences .

Mobile use

  • Sdui Meet app access to the microphone & camera.
  • On iOS devices , open the Sdui Meet app before opening the video conference via the Sdui
  • Make sure that there is sufficient reception (preferably WiFi).


General information:

  • If the connection quality is inadequate, the conference automatically switches the camera off temporarily or reduces the image quality.
  • Firefox does not support the use of two cameras.
  • AVM / Fritz! Box routers may block access to video conferences using so-called access profiles or parental controls. The individual setting can be found in the relevant manual .

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