Can I use my e-mail address for multiple accounts at the same time?

Updated at January 29th, 2024

Whether you can use your e-mail address for several accounts at the same time depends on whether you have several accounts at different schools/educational institutions or at the same school/educational institution.

Multiple accounts at different schools/educational institutions:
It is easily possible to use your e-mail address in your accounts at different schools/educational institutions.

Multiple accounts at the same school/educational institution:
Currently, it is not possible to register for multiple accounts at the same school/educational institution with the same e-mail address. If you do not have a second e-mail address, you can alternatively enter a user name when registering, which replaces the e-mail address when logging in.

In the step of the registration process where you are asked for your e-mail address, simply click on "Skip" in the bottom right-hand corner of the corresponding window and enter a user name in the next step with which you will log in in future.

The username is not visible to other users without the administration authorisation in Sdui.

Please note that if you use a username instead of an e-mail address, it is not possible to use the "Forgot your password?" function, as a stored e-mail address is required here.

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